First line edits are over!
I finished them! I’m done! For now…
I finished my first line edits today! I feel so accomplished.
When I first saw the document with all the red I felt so unbelievably overwhelmed. I was doing a big WTF how am I going to finish this! In my head.
But I did it. I finished it. I’m one step closer to being trade published. I’m almost there. It’s becoming more and more real for me! A little over a month and the you all will be able to purchase my book. MY BOOK. It’s hard to believe. I’m still in shock and amazement that I am even where I am. I’m so grateful to E and Rebel Ink Press for giving me this opportunity. I’m excited to get started on my edits for Soul Mate Publishing.
I feel more solidified in my writing dreams. I’m not just some crazy pants who has a warped imagination. I am an AUTHOR! I’m an author.
With everything that has gone on in my life the past year or so signing those contracts was such a relief that has made me happy. Genuinely happy. Perhaps it’s something small, but you know I’m just one step closer to living my dream. Spending my days lost in my mind spinning stories to delight my readers.