I posted about this last week? Maybe the week before…BUT until tomorrow, June 27, 2013 at 8 AM there is an adult pitch party going on!
Today is the beginning of my Writer’s Wednesday!!!! To start it off I have author Nora Snowdon visiting!
So today I am revealing who my next publisher is!! Are you all as excited as I am!
I’m so much higher than cloud 9 right now. I was starting to come down…then I got two awesome emails today.
I would love to do more promoting for other author’s here. Give you guys a place to promote shamelessly orrrr do a Q & A with me.
I got my release date today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love pitch parties! They’re so much fun. You meet other writers, agents, publishers, and get requests! Well Brenda Drake is at it again!
So I’ve had this manuscript I was losing hope in. I sent it to one last publisher in the small hopes maybe they would like it.
Today we’re going to play a game. No prizes involved this time. Just some fun. (I promise there WILL be prizes…eventually.) The first person to answer every question correctly will win an e-book copy of Working Stiffs! A humorous zombie tale by […]